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Q&A on immigration matters



What to pay attention to when choosing an immigration attorney?


Two things: training and experience. Of course, only a licensed attorney can assist you in legal matters. But also pay attention to the question of how many years the attorney has been involved in immigration cases and whether he takes other cases besides immigration. A lawyer who deals exclusively with immigration will have more experience in his field than someone who deals with this among his other occupations. It is also not advisable to choose an immigration lawyer based only on how many years he has been practicing law - by itself, this figure means nothing. The relevant experience is precisely in the field of immigration and precisely in the country you plan to immigrate to.

Even if you received a recommendation for a certain attorney, set up a few meetings, get an impression of the person standing in front of you, and choose from among the candidates the immigration attorney who made the best impression on you. You may have to pay for the initial meeting with several offices, but it's better than spending money on the first immigration attorney you encounter with and receiving poor service that will hurt your chances of getting the visa you want.


Immigration attorney


By contacting an immigration lawyer, you are, in a sense, entrusting your destiny to him because the quality of his work largely determines whether you will be able to realize your life plans. That's why you should pay special attention to choosing a suitable immigration company - don't hesitate to ask the lawyer the right questions that will help identify his level of experience and training. In this article we will try to explain what an immigration lawyer is supposed to do, what questions should be asked, why you should pay attention and in what situations. If you are planning a relocation to Europe, this article is definitely for you.


Immigration lawyer - when will we need his help?


Once you have decided on relocation to another country, you have to understand that you will be dealing with a set of laws and rules that you do not understand at all, and are not even able to read due to the language barrier. This is precisely why there are professionals who have both the expertise and the experience.

By contacting Rstate for legal support in relocation matters, we will first examine all your documents as soon as possible. In addition, our experts will answer all your questions and advise on the subtleties and the latest changes in legislation. We provide both online and face-to-face consultation. The service and according to its cost may vary depending on the purpose of the relocation, the required system of procedures, the family composition and more. That's why we need to get to know you and your personal situation. We will make every effort to receive all the necessary documents and approvals as soon as possible so that you can realize your plans.




What are the advantages of an immigration attorney?


Moving between countries for tourism purposes often does not require special permits, if it is not a matter of obtaining a visa. And in this case there is a procedure for obtaining a tourist visa that you usually manage on your own. Once the family decides to leave for permanent residence in another country, a process known as "relocation", without the help of an immigration lawyer will be very difficult for you to manage, because such a serious step requires overcoming a lot of bureaucratic obstacles on the way to the goal.

What an immigration lawyer deals with?



An immigration lawyer deals with the following important issues:


  • Editing the application for approval including all the necessary documents

  • Obtaining necessary permits (from the police and more)

  • Representation in case of disputes or problems

  • Preparation and submission of all documents for opening a business in the new country

  •  Legal support after opening the business, in everything that involves contracts, transactions, representation before the authorities 

  • Legal advice on citizenship, residency and immigration issues given by an expert immigration attorney is a must. Such advice will allow you to prepare in advance for all difficulties, be ready for any scenario and overcome the obstacles with a minimum of time, effort, nerves and money. In fact, most of the effort needed to overcome An immigration attorney manages the bureaucratic obstacles for you - that's his job

Will I need a lawyer if I open a business in Slovakia?


The European Union in general and Slovakia in particular is a unique space where company owners require a lot of legal, notary and other services. There are many forms, power of attorney and certificates that the Slovaks require to be flawless and with an apostille. All this is a problem both at the stage of opening the business and at the first stages of its management. Each document must be reviewed and approved. Therefore, a situation where a lawyer signs your documents, especially if he is well acquainted with the requirements and the law in the country, greatly increases the chance that your request will be handled quickly - and positively.

In addition, the tax authority, customs or immigration authorities may contact you to demand additional information or request documents, in which case you will need a Slovak-speaking attorney who knows the material well and will be able to represent you before the authorities.

The thing is that a person who sets up a company in Slovakia has extensive rights that hardly differ from the rights of citizens of the European Union, so the whole thing of starting a business is profitable, but at the same time involves a lot of bureaucracy. It is also worth noting that relatively few taxes are paid in Slovakia, compared to the other EU countries, but this also depends on the type of business license you have, so you should choose all the options together with the experts.



What is the payment procedure for the attorney?


If the immigration company demands 100% payment in advance for its services - it is definitely disturbing. At the same time, the procedure of "payment by results" - that is, payment only if you received a visa, is also a suspicious procedure. A professional immigration lawyer's time is valuable, and usually paid not for the result, but for his work. No professional lawyer should, nor is able to, guarantee 100% that you will indeed receive a visa, even if all the documents are submitted correctly. The decision to grant or not grant a visa is made only by an official at the Ministry of the Interior handling your case, and it is not possible to influence them. Therefore, the excessive self-confidence of lawyers who are willing to work for free just to "get" a client, raises questions. In most cases, it is acceptable to pay a serious advance and the remaining amount at the end of handling the case.

Legal services



The European Union in general and Slovakia in particular is a unique space where businessmen and company managers need legal and notary services almost every week.

The multitude of applications and questionnaires (Ziadostej), powers of attorney (plnomocenstv) and confirmations (vyhlaseny) that must be submitted in impeccable Slovak, often with the addition of notarization, is a big challenge even after two years in Slovakia. Each document must be checked and approved, and if the document indicates a Doctor of Laws (JuDr) as a contact person, it greatly increases the chance that your application will be processed in a very short time. In addition, quite often the tax authority, customs or immigration authority will call you to find out details or request documents, in which case you will need a Slovak-speaking counterparts who can represent you.

Our services: monitoring your business, representing your interests at the Tax Authority, the Immigration Authority, Customs and more, handling transactions such as the purchase or sale of a car, real estate and more, writing the contracts and official documents in accordance with the Slovak legal standard.

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