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Tips for a successful relocation for families

Relocation is usually a one-time adventure, a different and special experience, which also involves quite a few challenges that may arise throughout the period. In order to reach your destination as prepared as possible, we have put together a number of topics and tips that you should consider before moving. Of course, we as a company specialize in accompanying families who are in the process of immigrating to Slovakia and we will be happy to assist you throughout the process.

How do you determine the budget framework for the relocation?

Before the relocation, first check the budget that is available to you. Proper planning will help you make decisions about everything that happens there, from fees for obtaining residency and/or a passport for a Slovak citizen living abroad, from the apartment you will rent, through the schools you will enroll your children in, to the purchase of a car or the shopping you will do there.

Of course, in order to work in Slovakia, any adult who is not a Slovak citizen needs a resident visa. For this purpose, one must obtain a temporary residence visa for one to three years and later extend it. That's why it's important to think about your income over time. Do you have a regular income that does not depend on finding a job, in case one of you doesn't manage to find something soon? All these details should be calculated in advance in an Excel file and build the budget.

We recommend that you order professional advice from our company, ask all the questions that interest you in order to understand the scope of the expense and build a relocation plan.

Take care of the visa

On condition that you work, study or start a business in Slovakia, you can get a temporary residence visa for one to three years. Note that the cost of starting a business in Slovakia is not high. After about a year, if you prove that the business is indeed making a profit, you can extend the visa. A student visa is also an option: this is a temporary residence visa that you will receive if one or both of you are accepted for studies. Please note that studies in the local language are free even for those who are not citizens of the country, but studies in English cost money.

Permanent residency in Slovakia is a status obtained after five years of temporary residency according to the law. Citizenship and obtaining a Slovak passport - an application can be submitted after three years of permanent residence.

Decide on residence

Real estate prices in Slovakia have become more expensive in recent years, and in the last year in particular, similar to many European countries. However, in Bratislava (the capital city) if you choose to compromise on a place of residence that is not exactly in the center, you can find a three-room apartment at a fair price, about 1000 euros including indirect expenses.

It must be taken into account that the environment in which you choose to raise your children may affect the shaping of their identity and you must take this into account, especially if it is a move for a long period of time.

If you plan to invest in real estate, we recommend that you first rent a property and only then buy, in order to check that the location you have chosen is indeed suitable for you.

Medical insurance for the family

According to the law, every foreign citizen living in Slovakia is obliged to insure himself with medical insurance. Therefore, even if you get medical insurance from work and even if you have to do it yourself, you should make sure that the policy has met the medical needs of all family members. Remember that if you have to take care of the insurance yourself, the costs may be more expensive than what we know from the country.

Choose educational frameworks

The education system in Slovakia is considered good and high quality. From the age of three you can enroll in government kindergartens, or private kindergartens which will, of course, be more expensive. The schools are divided into elementary, middle school and high school, each stage is 4 years. Please note that registration for studies is in advance, about half a year or more before the beginning of the new year, so it is recommended to do it as soon as possible and not wait until the last minute.

In summary, the path to immigrate to Slovakia includes several stages: starting with obtaining a temporary residence visa and finding a job, through renting an apartment, signing up to health insurance and registering for schools and kindergartens. Keep in mind that the whole process takes several months at least. We will be happy to be at your disposal and assist in each of these steps.



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