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What is temporary residency in Slovakia?

Temporary residency in Slovakia is a status that will be granted to anyone who enters the country with one of the certificates granting the right to temporary residency, i.e. not a tourist visa. In many of the European Union countries and also in Slovakia, already at the stage of temporary residence you enjoy many rights that European citizens enjoy. Also, this is the first step on the way to permanent residency and then to the Slovak passport.

What is a person who has temporary residency entitled to?

A temporary resident in Slovakia is a person who has received a status that allows him to live in Slovakia and enjoy many rights granted to residents and citizens of Europe. Of course, it's not exactly like having a Slovak passport, but there are a number of things that you'll get already at the temporary residency stage. The status of a temporary resident will give you the following rights:

  1. The right of residence in a country in which you have temporary residence. With permanent residency later, you can also live in other places in the European Union, under certain conditions.

  2. Right to purchase real estate and get a local mortgage with financing up to 90% and annual interest starting at 1.5%

  3. Right to education for your children

  4. Right to medical insurance

  5. Right to issue a license and purchase a vehicle in the European Union

  6. Right to free movement between EU countries

  7. Right to do business in the EU

  8. There is no need to leave the so-called Schengen area (that is, the borders of the Union) every 90 days, as foreigners with a tourist visa are required to do so.

All of this, of course, apart from the conditions of your visa, that is, the work, studies or business in Slovakia that allowed you to receive the status of a temporary resident.

From temporary resident status to permanent residency to obtaining the Slovak passport

There are three types of visas that can be obtained to obtain temporary residency in Slovakia. These are a work visa, a student (study) visa and a business visa, which is given for starting a business or investing in the Slovakian economy. In all these cases you will be temporary residents until you receive permanent residency. There are other types of visas such as a family reunion visa, but we will not focus on them in this article.

Work visa - you can get it through the workplace where you will be employed. If it is an international company, for example, that has a representative office in Slovakia and needs employees with professional knowledge and knowledge of English, it is quite possible that you will be able to find a job and issue a visa this way. The company will have to convince the offices in Slovakia that it needs an employee like you and does not have enough local employees with the same specialization, but it is certainly possible if you have a sought-after profession. A work visa has to be renewed after a year and the condition is that you continue to work in the same place, if you are fired the work visa is canceled, unless you found another job fairly quickly. After five years you will be entitled to permanent residency status and after another five years you will be able to receive the Slovak passport.

Student visa - is given to those who study higher studies in Slovakia or engage in academic research. It is important to know that your visa will be extended only until the end of your studies. To become a permanent resident you have to live 5 years in Slovakia as a temporary resident, so if the studies are not long enough, you will need to find a job quickly. Studies in Slovakia are free for those who study in the Slovak language, for those who study in English there is a tuition fee, but not very high. This visa is suitable for young people who want to settle in Europe and acquire a European education. Even in the case of a student visa, after five years you will be entitled to permanent residency status, and after another five years you will be able to receive the Slovak passport and it is even possible that studying at a higher institution in Slovakia will exempt you from a citizenship test.

Business visa - granted to anyone who opens a business (exempt or freelancer, or licensed/limited company), in Slovakia, with an initial investment of only a few thousand euros. After a year of business activity, you will have to prove that it is profitable, and then you will be extended your resident status Temporary. The big advantage of this way is that you are not dependent on an employer or studies. If you own an independent business or work as a freelancer, it can be suitable, because Slovakia has very good conditions for business people, low taxes and a Cheaper life compared to other EU countries. Like the previous visas, this is also a good way to get a Slovak passport. Since in order to open a business and manage it in Europe, you need to know the local bureaucracy, the rules of taxation and reporting, and more, we recommend that you use us at this stage. We will assist you in opening the business and in obtaining temporary resident status, and even integrating in the new place.



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