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Why to choose Slovakia?

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

The decision to move abroad is without a doubt one of the most complex and significant decisions in the life of any person. Therefore, when choosing a country to immigrate to, one must take into account as many details as possible. Even within the borders of the European Union there are great differences between the countries. On the other hand, you can have many criteria that may be very personal and specific, but influence the decision. In this article we have collected a number of reasons why foreigners move to Slovakia, even though it is a relatively small country and perhaps not as popular as Germany, England or France. Immigration to Slovakia has become a popular route recently, and if you read our list, maybe you understand that this is no coincidence! So here are all the reasons to immigrate to Slovakia:

Calm and peace - in Slovakia the pace of life is very calm. Even in the capital city, Bratislava, there is no feeling of crowding, of a huge and noisy metropolis - but at the same time, especially in Bratislava and the suburbs, you will find all the comforts of the modern world.

The cost of living - expenses in Slovakia are relatively low compared to most European countries, therefore, even if the salaries there are lower than in other countries, you can save more and allow yourself a higher standard of living. You can always find for yourself to work remotely or continue working at your job abroad, an advantage for an foreign salary in the living conditions of Slovakia.

Mentality - Slovaks are kind and open people. Slovaks have a reputation for friendly people who are ready to offer, help, advise, guide. So on the one hand there are the advantages of the European mentality - courtesy, politeness and quiet, and on the other hand there is openness and friendliness not found in many other regions of Europe.

Security - Slovakia has one of the lowest crime rates among European Union countries. One of the factors - an extremely low number of alcohol and drug addicts. The national character of Slovaks is very calm and not fond of conflicts, they adhere to accepted norms of their own free will. For example, no one will make noise in an apartment building after 21:00. On a daily basis you will hardly encounter any aggression, intolerance, disrespect and rudeness. The rate of traffic accidents there is also low, for the trivial reason: the vast majority of drivers simply follow the traffic rules.

Location - Slovakia is located in the heart of Europe, it is easy to reach all corners of the continent from there, whether for business purposes or for sightseeing. The airport of Bratislava is not big but it is possible to easily reach the international airport in Vienna or Budapest. You can also easily reach all the neighboring countries, the sea (Slovenia or Croatia) or the ski area by public transport (train, bus) or by car.

Infrastructure - developed and cheap transportation, a large number of parks and green areas, street cleanliness, waste recycling and separation systems, open shelters for abandoned animals, and much more. The key word is comfort and peace, and the absence of noise, crowding and pollution, because that's how Slovaks like it. Many choose Slovakia because of the quality of the environment - clean air, good water, beautiful nature, and a mild climate even in the days of our climate crisis. In the winter there is sometimes snow, but most of the time the temperatures do not drop below 7 degrees below zero, and in the summer there are almost no very hot days.

Ease of running a business - Slovakia is a country with one of the fastest growing economies in the world. This means, first of all, many opportunities for your business, including an option to work with other European companies or countries. In Slovakia, corruption is very rare and there are no administrative barriers. On the contrary, the country encourages opening businesses and grants temporary residency to those who open a business there, even with a relatively low turnover. The taxes are also quite low.

Education, health and welfare - education in schools and universities is free. The main condition for admission to institutions is knowledge of the Slovak language. The kindergartens and schools are considered good, and the children receive a lot of attention. The health system in Slovakia is good, there is mandatory health insurance here even for foreigners, and a variety of health matters are answered. Also, Slovakia, which used to be part of Soviet Czechoslovakia, retained some of the socialist welfare policies, for example quite high child benefits and long paid maternity leave.

In conclusion, it is important to note that in Slovakia there are almost no expressions of xenophobia of any kind and usually people are nice and interested in foreigners. There are absolutely good reasons for relocation to Slovakia, which can constitute a list of considerations in favor of emigrating to Europe. If you are indeed considering this step, it is important to consult with a company that specializes in helping foreigners who wish to move to Slovakia, in order to understand how suitable the whole thing is for your family and what steps you should take.



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